The Long and Winding Road Back

As you have noticed by now, I have been rather casual about posting new entries. Why? Because I’m still not sure where I want to go with this. You see, I’ve known for some time that I definitely wanted another outlet for my writing, but I haven’t decided completely upon what sort of format or subject matter I want to tackle. Should I go personal? Should I leave my personal life out of it? Should I make mention of controversial subjects or leave well enough alone? Should I remove my name from the bottom and pretend to be anonymous? Should I remove the block and allow search engine robots to start cataloging my Web site again? There are so many possibilities, and I cannot really make up my mind which direction to go.

Nearly ten years of experience — yes, I’m including the time not spent blogging as well, since that taught me as much about what to do and not to do here as actually blogging has — has told me to watch what I say, edit myself somewhat, and be conscious of the fact that this isn’t my effing diary. The moment I hit the Publish button, everything I just wrote is out there for all to read. Do I want total strangers to know the intimate details of my life? Do I want my friends to know? How about my family? I know, I know, I’m almost thirty, and so there’s really no reason to lie to or try to hide anything from anyone anymore. Well, the juicy stuff, at least. I mean, frankly, my life isn’t all that interesting apart from the little things I do every day to make it so. And a large part of it all boils down to simply getting back in the habit again. I go through similar high-and-low cycles with my actual diary; there are times when I go weeks without writing a thing, and there are other times when I write seven separate entries or twenty-odd pages in a day. The boom portion of the boom-and-bust cycle of my diary used to be driven largely by periods of indecision, depression, or introspection, but I don’t do as much of that anymore. Sure, I wish I had a job that paid more so I wouldn’t be constantly living paycheck-to-paycheck, but beside that I don’t really have much to complain about these days. I live alone, so I don’t have to deal with roommate drama; my neighbors — almost all thirty- or forty-something single men — are largely quiet and respectful, so I don’t have to deal with morons cranking their bass-heavy music or throwing wild parties (where were these people when I was in college and trying to concentrate on my homework?!); I have so many hobbies that the idea of ever being bored or feeling lonely is pretty much completely out of the question; and I [] my apartment, so spending copious amounts of time here while not at work is not only acceptable, but even desirable.

Where was I? Oh, right. So, the point I’m trying to make here is that I will eventually get into the habit of posting new entries here more often and more regularly, but I’m not quite ready for it yet. Once I get the actual redesigned site up and running, I’ll open the new blog posts up to comments as well, but I’m not prepared to do that until I have a design up and running that is to my liking. Thanks for checking in on me, and I’ll be back with you shortly.


About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Kris published on February 24, 2010 12:21 PM.

I ♥ The Library, But… was the previous entry in this blog.

Sunny Monday Morning is the next entry in this blog.

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